no more, no less.

I try not to write simply in order to make excuses for the fact that I haven't written in a while, but in this case I have a very good reason for doing so. Like virtually everyone else in the universe I've been super busy of late, and only a habit of compulsive list-making is... Continue Reading →

when DIY = sigh.

Backlogging again. As time wears on I find I'm starting to rather like being late to the party: not only am I well rested, I can take my time getting ready. DIWhy This post follows a relatively recent thread on libraries and DIY (if not exactly in response to it). On the core issue of what-is-DIY-and-why... Continue Reading →

learning curve: month one in projects.

As I have observed relatively recently, communities of practice are groups of individuals bound together by characteristics, traits, rituals, and norms that 1) distinguish them from other communities, and 2) orient their members some sense of collective purpose. The process of integrating into a new community is complex, involving acclimation on a number of levels.... Continue Reading →

metacognitive strategizing.

Although the moment has passed, I was recently mulling over Meredith Farkas' reply to a piece by Sarah Cohen about her rationale for not participating in Library Day in the Life. Did reporting on our daily ins and outs represent an exercise in professional insight, or was it evidence of some sort of collective librarian... Continue Reading →

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